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Freeney RCS
Ticket to Work

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Employment Networks (EN) 

Freeney RCS is an approved Employment Network nationwide provider for the Social Security's Ticket To Work program. This program is designed to help persons that are on SSI and SSDI become financially independent, thus getting off of their benefits in the long run. This is a process, and can take a while.  It is not a quick fix.  We are here to screen potential clients and guide them through this process, including helping them with the skills necessary to get a job, find and network for a job, and be successful for the long term.


An Employment Network (EN) is a public or private organization that contracts with Social Security to provide free employment support services to Social Security disability beneficiaries ages 18 through 64. EN services may include:

  • Career Planning

  • Job Leads and Job Placement

  • Ongoing Employment Support

  • Benefits Counseling Referral


Some ENs only provide services to their local community, while others provide services across one or more states. There are also ENs that provide services nationwide. You will work with some ENs in person, some over the phone, and some via email or a website.


Some ENs are also part of a state’s public workforce system. These workforce ENs provide access to additional employment support services including training programs and special programs for youth in transition and veterans. A Ticket to Work participant who assigns their ticket to a Workforce EN will either work with a Workforce EN directly or via other providers in the workforce system, including American Job Centers.

If you choose to work with an Employment Network, it’s important to choose one that will provide the services you need to support your work goals. Not all ENs provide the same services so it’s important to talk with as many ENs as possible to see what they have to offer before assigning your ticket. Our fact sheet, “Choosing the Right Employment Network for You,” will guide you through the decision-making process. Once you have an understanding of what an EN can do for you, use the "Finding an EN and Assigning Your Ticket Worksheet," to keep track of the ENs you've contacted and to know what important questions to ask them.

Workforce Employment Networks (WF) 

Workforce ENs are ENs that are also part of a state’s public workforce system.  Workforce ENs provide access to a wide array of employment support services, including training programs and special programs for youth in transition and veterans. A Ticket to Work participant who assigns their ticket to a Workforce EN will either work with a Workforce EN directly or via other providers in the workforce system, including American Job Centers.
Workforce ENs can be operated at the state level, (by a state workforce agency or a state Workforce Investment Board, or WIB) or at the local level (by an American Job Center, Workforce Investment Act operator, or a local WIB).  It is also possible a group of local Workforce agencies join together and operate as a single regional EN, with one agency being the lead agency and serving as the primary point of contact. However they are organized, the Workforce ENs listed in the Find Help tool for your ZIP Code will help you assign your ticket and connect you to services.

Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies (VR) 

You can also work with your State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency. State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies furnish a wide variety of services to help people with disabilities return to work. These services are designed to provide the client with the training and other services that are needed to return to work, enter a new line of work, or enter the workforce for the first time.

VR services may include:

  • Intensive Training

  • Education

  • Rehabilitation

  • Career Counseling

  • Job Placement Assistance

  • Benefits Counseling


Some states also have separate VR agencies that serve individuals who are blind and visually impaired.

VR can help you get ready to work, and, if necessary, you can then find an Employment Network or EN who can help you keep your job and make more money. This arrangement is called Partnership Plus.

Work Incentives Planning & Assistance Projects (WIPA)

WIPA projects are organizations within your community that provide free benefits counseling to Social Security disability beneficiaries to help them make informed choices about work. WIPA projects offer a range of services to help you understand your options if you choose to pursue work. WIPAs are staffed by Community Work Incentive Coordinators (CWICs) who provide in-depth counseling about working, earning more money, and how working may affect your benefits.

For more information on WIPA click here

Protection & Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS)

The Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS) program help people with disabilities who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and have a disability-related employment issue. PABSS advocates provide legal support, advocacy, and information to assist beneficiaries to resolve employment-related concerns.



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Gloria Freeney - Founder & CEO of Freeney RCS


Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Friday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Please call, text, or email to set up

an appointment.


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Freeney RCS

457 Laurence Dr. Ste 407

Heath, TX 75032

Toll Free Tel: 833-850-7439

Fax: 972-357-7910


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Gloria Freeney - Founder & CEO of Freeney RCS
Gloria Freeney - Founder & CEO of Freeney RCS
Gloria Freeney - Founder & CEO of Freeney RCS
Gloria Freeney - Founder & CEO of Freeney RCS

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